No software patents!

Netzstreik gegen Softwarepatente

Die Auswirkungen demonstrieren, bevor es zu spät ist

Wenn Softwarepatente erst legalisiert sind, müssen viele Webseiten vom Netz gehen, auf denen potentiell patentverletzende Software läuft oder zum Lesen/Herunterladen bereitgehalten wird.

Warten Sie nicht, bis es so weit kommt - demonstrieren Sie Ihren Kunden, Kollegen, Freunden und Bekannten schon jetzt die Konsequenzen. Nehmen Sie teil am europaweiten Netzstreik.

Online demonstration against software patents

This site is temporaly closed!

This site joins the Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (FFII) online demonstration against the directive validating software patents that will be voted this 1rst September at the European Parliament.

For more information check the FFII site.

What can I do?

- sign the Eurolinux Petition for a Software Patent Free Europe
- Sign up in the FFII/Eurolinux Community Tool, support petitions, sign up for mailing lists and events, adopt patents, adopt members of the European Parliament.
- Link to Eurolinux Petition for a Software Patent Free Europe from your page and display the logo. Tell others in your sphere of influence, particularly software companies, to do the same.
- Collect relevant links in the notation of the document database and occasionally submit them, so they can be merged and referenced by various websites.
- Collect bibliographic data (about paper articles) in the notation of the paper bibliography database and occasionally submit them, so they can be merged and referenced by various websites.
- Multilingualise the FFII sites by translating the source text files of some of our pages. See also the translating instructions.
- Donate Money, Become a member
Support FFII or another of the Eurolinux member organisations, which are working on the swpat issue in various European countries. In any case, notify Eurolinux of the donation. The money will be accounted for and used jointly

Think of how many hours per week of your time would really be needed, given how the danger of software patents affects you and perhaps your business. What about starting with a one-time donation of 100 EUR?

- inform yourself and others
get your software company / your parliamentary deputy / etc to support our campaign, get media interested, write articles, especially in situations such as this one.
- acquire and distribute drawings and pamphlets, create some yourself.
- Create your own FAQ on some subject, participate in our group work site
- Task Sections in other Documents