Timezone Converter

Specify the time zone, time and date to convert from, and the time zone to convert to. Results will appear at the bottom. For information on using this converter in this and other configurations, see this page. Technical info is also available.


     Time (HH:MM:SS): 

Date (Month, Day, Year):
         From Time Zone: 
        To Time Zone: 

Note: If there is a discrepancy with the accuracy of a zone, I'll gladly remove it in order to reduce confusion, but I simply don't have the time to edit each by hand.

I do not maintain the underlying data of the timezone database. I simply wrote a program to access it. I neither make claims about the accuracy of the data, nor am I able to supply conversions that aren't already accessible through this interface.

The folks who maintain the Timezone Database and the various access routines have a mailing list at tz@elsie.nci.nih.gov. Current versions of their database and access library live at ftp://elsie.nci.nih.gov/pub. Also see Yahoo for time links and Gamelan for some Java timezone toys

Paul Stewart, stewart@parc.xerox.com