[Valid HTML code!] [Valid CSS!] [Any browser welcome]
Die GDG-Website soll möglichst von jedwedem Browser (auf jedweder Plattform) passabel dargestellt werden können. Falls dieses Attribut nicht zutreffen sollte, bitte ich um Nachsicht und Nachricht.

Allerdings sage ich mir:
In the past, users did not have the choice of picking a browser which implemented the standards, however today they do have a choice. There is no compelling reason for anyone in the world to continue to use a browser which does not support the standards. However, as long as web developers continue to code work arounds for these older browsers, users will not have a compelling reason to upgrade. By ceasing to support older browsers, you can provide a reason for users to upgrade. This will benefit not only them, but yourself as well. Supporting only standards based browsers can reduce development and maintainance costs as well as increase the dynamic and compelling content which will attract visitors and increase your revenue.
Kurz und gut auf Deutsch: Ich baue meine Website nicht für veraltete Browser wie Netscape bis Version 4.x und nicht für andere Browser, die sich wie Micro$ofts Internet Explorer (teilweise) über die Internet-Standards (HTML, CSS, DOM, Script-Einbindung) hinwegsetzen. Basta, punctum.
Ich empfehle [Dokument] Mozilla (für Windows, MacOS und Linux; kostenlos), deutsche Fassung mit deutschen Download- und Installationshinweisen unter [Dokument] http://mozilla.kairo.at/download.html.

Im übrigen aber: Herzlich willkommen!

Mozilla for ever Mozilla
Information über Mozilla 1.7+, den Web-Browser, den PC World "Best of 2003" nennt, für Windows (13MB), Linux (14MB) and MacOS X (14.9MB).
Zum Programm-Paket gehört neben dem Browser auch ein E-Mail-Programm (mit lernfähigem Anti-Spam-Filter) und ein WYSIWYG-HTML-Editor.

Mozilla Firefox: Software Publisher's Description

Mozilla Firefox is a fast, full-featured browser for Windows that makes browsing more efficient than ever before. Firefox includes popup blocking; a tab-browsing mode that lets you open several pages in a single window; integrated Google searching; simplified privacy controls that let you cover your tracks more effectively; a streamlined browser window that shows you more of the page than any other browser; and a number of additional features that work with you to help you get the most out of your time online.

Version 0.9.3 includes enhanced theme management.

Download.com Review of Mozilla Firefox


The Mozilla project takes another step with Mozilla Firefox. Though the browser hides its advanced settings, you can still create modules using XML, CSS, JavaScript, and even C++. The average user can easily add toolbars. The program includes such tools as a JavaScript debugger and a DOM viewer. It displays page source as an HTML editor does, with indents and color-coded tags. You can load any bookmark in a side panel, which is useful for Web engine search results.

At 55MB for 25 windows, the browser uses far less resources than Internet Explorer but more than Opera. The built-in pop-up blocker is far more effective than Opera's, and even better than most paid standalone utilities. However, the download manager is still underdeveloped, and the multitab interface opens a followed link in a new window by default, erasing the benefits of tabs. Though the app worked stably in our tests, we don't recommend using a preview version for mission-critical tasks. For people who are ready to trade comfort for flexibility, Mozilla Firefox may scratch their itch.

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